Ebook Producing and ebook Publishing
Have an idea for a knowledgeable non-fiction book or an amazing and exciting fictional novel you always wanted to release but never knew where to start?
Do you get inspired to create grand stories or tell the world a better way to do something? In the past, it would be difficult to get a book (fiction or nonfiction) created and even published. You would have to do all the research all by yourself, write it all on your own, create an outstanding package for your audience to enjoy and appreciate, and even after all that, you’ll have to get a publisher who would value it and want to help you distribute it to the world.
To tell you the difficulty in that, even billionaire author J.K. Rowling, got rejected thirty times before a publisher took on her first ‘Harry Potter’ book. Only because the publisher’s daughter loved it by chance of reading it when her father brought the book home.
However, times have changed, and publishing to the world has fewer gatekeepers. With the advent of the internet and mobile devices, everyone has the ability to put their creations out there and let the world see what they have to offer.
It’s time to put your ideas out of your head and now into the world.
As it stands now, the idea is in your mind, and you’ve done some research and outlines of what you would like out there in the world. However, it comes the time that the time and resources are beyond you, and you feel lost and unable to envision publishing that novel or education book as a reality.
Now consider if you had the help of a professional team who have done it numerous times and could bring your project to life. With several fiction and non fiction books and titles released to multiple online and traditional bookstores, DF Studios knows how to get this dream of yours to the point of a reality.
Our ebook producing and ebook publishing services have also assisted several authors who are new to the industry. We only focus on ensuring that you are up and running in the publishing world and then provide with after sales advice and assistance to ensure you reach the potential you can. You can check out our Digital Marketing and Advertising services that can assist you with further ways to get your books out their to more loyal and eager readers.
Why DF Studios Limited?
DF Studios would be your trusted partner in your journey to create your novel or educational title. We have helped numerous persons like yourself go from just dreaming of having a project done, to actually holding it in their hands and marketing it to the world.
- We have flexible payment plans that allow you to pay as you go. We develop to that point, and then when you are ready for another tranche, we continue with the development.
- We save you time with our in house everything. Whatever you need from Outlining, Scripting, Editing, Cover Development, Marketing, Distribution, Translating, we have a professional who will assist you in that.
- We provide you with proof of concepts in stages. So you can show it to potential investors, contributors, crowdfunders, etc. to get further backing for your project in the event you don’t have all the resources to get it done. Pay for part of the project to show your audience what could be, and then get the resources you need from them to make it happen.
So let’s chat and see how we can help.
Schedule a time to speak with us on through our Calendy link and we can have a one on one consultation with you and one of our team members for the novel or nonfiction book you always wanted to create.
If you would like to get in contact with us another way, you can email us at [email protected] or call us at 1(868)221-0840.