We recently posted a guest blog on one of our associates sites, Dynamic Business Growth which is entitled, Why Your Facebook Ads Suck and What You Can Do About It, based on our experience as Facebook advertisers and marketers.
We have worked with dozens of companies in different fields, from
- Investments
- Insurance
- Medical Procedures
- Medical Supplies
- Retail and Garments
- Wholesale and eCommerce
- Books, Brands and Artists
- and many more…

And we have had our saddening failures and our massive triumphs.
DBG decided to ask us to provide an article on what people could do to make their ads better, help them create an audience, and ultimately make more sales for their business.
And with one of our team being an author, we figured it was best to explain in as a story. As we believe that letting people understand ‘why your facebook ads suck’ would come from a heart warming place if it were seen from the perspective of an entirely different person other than the reader.
But you can be the judge for us, take a read and let us know what you think.
As always, if you would like to speak to us about your marketing, advertising or other digital services you would like done, you can book a consultation with us here.
And finally, if you would like to check out and order our services right away, we have the Express Services available to you so you can get your marketing materials in a week or less.